Monday, March 26, 2012

Paleo in Comparison

Paleo seems to be a hot trend. For some reason I find the terms paleo and cave(wo)man off-putting. Perhaps because it has connotations of evolutionary theory, and I believe that God created man and woman in His own image (Genesis 1:26-28).

But I've decided to get over myself and evaluate the principles of this dietary approach, connotations aside.

In its essence, Paleo seems to be a bare bones (pun intended) perspective on Real Food. The strictest adherents eschew all grain, dairy, legumes, and sugar (as well as soy, alcohol, white potatoes, vegetable oils, and processed foods). They eat all kinds of flesh foods and eggs, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables (aside from white potatoes and edamame). For oil they use coconut and olive oils. More liberal Paleo people might eat pastured full-fat dairy and white potatoes. And then there are some who are synthesizing Paleo and Traditional ("traditional" ala Weston A. Price [and Dr. Shanahan, from my first post]) adding in cultured and fermented foods, and perhaps soaked nuts and grains.

Paleo (connotations aside!) seemed very daunting to me when I first learned of it. But then I found this super cool cookbook... And I began to rethink...

So now I have gotten it into my head to try to eat (strict-ish) Paleo for one month beginning April 1! Why?!
  1. It is an efficient way to eliminate many of the most common food allergens to see if these may be an issue for me.
  2. It is a great motivator to learn to use a lot more vegetables in my cooking.
  3. It will make a great base upon which to build a solid Real Food eating life.
  4. Melissa Joulwan's Well Fed makes it look both delicious and doable!

Aside from the cookbook, there are dozens of blogs and websites I have discovered to help me along on this little culinary adventure. A couple I've liked (in addition to Melissa Joulwan's, above):

So here I go; back to the future!

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